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26 year old social animal seeking to understand tee totalers - should we feel sorry for them? How much money do they save? How much weight could you loose? Will your emotional health improve?...find out....

Monday, 10 September 2007

Day Ten - and not one glass of wine

Well looks like this not drinking is not as hard as I imagined. I have not had one drop of alcohol in the past nine days and I am not missing it too much. I have still managed to spend quite a bit of money but the difference is I actually have items to show for that money. This weekend J and I went for a really nice meal in a restaurant over looking the forth road and rail bridges (which I treated him to), and I had a really tasty dish of langoustines and salad. I have to be honest and admit that a nice Sauvignon Blanc would have made it taste even better. All the menus and promotional material featured good looking couples on the balcony (great view in the back ground) sharing a bottle of wine, or glasses of champagne. Since when was alcohol related to romance? In my experience alcohol kills romance dead, well from what I can remember and what Justin fills me in on the next day. Still I could not help thinking that a glass of wine would have enhanced the experience.

I do think that when I start drinking again I will have much more respect for the amount that I drink, I really think that one may be enough now. Anyway I have a new goal insight which is completing a 10km run in under one hour and the training is going really well. Exercise is also motivating me to keep up the no drinking resume.

With the lack of alcohol and abundance of exercise I should be down to a size 0 in no time. That was a joke (maybe a size 8 :-)

More good news - Scotland hammered Portugal at rugby, I am off to Ireland on holiday in a few weeks, then to Champagne with work, then to Maastricht in November and most exciting of all........Paris in January. Oh and one more thing, it is actually HOT!!

In case you were wondering not drinking alcohol improves your hmmm..romance side of things.


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