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26 year old social animal seeking to understand tee totalers - should we feel sorry for them? How much money do they save? How much weight could you loose? Will your emotional health improve?...find out....

Monday, 3 September 2007

Day three and much better

So day three which just so happens to be the first Monday I have arrived at work having not touched a drop all weekend. I had a brilliant weekend. Saturday night you can already ready about in the last post.

Sunday, slept till late, had a nice dinner cooked by J then went to watch the end of festival fireworks. After the 45 minute display (apparently 4 tonnes of explosives), we took ourselves up to spiegal tent (a big beer garden) to meet some friends. Spiegal tent is all about the drinking and dancing and basically anything goes, which is why I felt completely comfortable to order a peppermint tea at 11pm, followed by an orange juice.

We watched a fantastic live jazz band, the saxophone does something strange to me, its sounds soooo sexy. Anyway our friends where slightly tipsy and had no inhibitions when it came to taking the dance floor on. I stood at the side and watched everyone doing strange jazz type dancing that my dad and probably everyone's dad favours. Anyway once I got over myself and realised that no one cares how you dance, I actually danced and had a really good time. Funny that the thought would have never occurred me to be self conscious if I had a drink.

So perhaps not drinking will actually improve my confidence instead of relying on the false confidence that alcohol gives.

Oh also I went to gym for the first time in ages, yes I am very smug right now, and I am aiming for a 10km race in October.

So emotional health is fantastic, and J is soo impressed with my will power
Money, total spent this weekend £15
Calories from alcohol, 0


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