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26 year old social animal seeking to understand tee totalers - should we feel sorry for them? How much money do they save? How much weight could you loose? Will your emotional health improve?...find out....

Saturday 1 September 2007

First night alcohol free

Well hello day one. I picked a challenging day to start my experiment by having a staff night out on the same day. I can honestly hand on heart say that tonight was the first night I can remember (certainly in Edinburgh) when I have gone on a night out and not had an alcoholic drink. Is that really so shocking? I don't think so having asked my colleagues when their last alcohol free night out was.

Anyway the night started off great, we went for dinner and to accompany it I drank sparking water, while they enjoyed a particularly nice bottle of white wine (my own personal weakness). I stayed strong and kept reminding myself how much better I would feel in the morning and what a let down it would be to fall at the first hurdle.

To cut a boring story short: did I have fun? No. I can say without a shadow of a doubt I would have had much more fun if I had a drink. Maybe its because it is the first night and its a new experience. Maybe its just not fun. However on a positive note I did only spend £10, consumed 0 calories through alcohol, and will have a much better day tomorrow. Logically I guess that means that the positives far outweigh the negative.

I will write more tomorrow when I have had more time to reflect and when I am enjoying not having a hang over.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

congratulations! my alcohol free time hasn't worked out. not been drunk though......does that count? KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!