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26 year old social animal seeking to understand tee totalers - should we feel sorry for them? How much money do they save? How much weight could you loose? Will your emotional health improve?...find out....

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Monday night = Family night

My dad and his wife arrived from Maastricht last night so I took myself round to my aunt and uncles for dinner. When I arrived my aunt was not there and I was informed that she is in Hospital having a lump removed from her breast. The lump she is in for is having removed is malignant but they found another lump behind it, which the results have not come back for yet. However there is a family history of breast cancer and they have mentioned a mastectomy. So you can image that the general mood for monday night was not good.

Then my cousin arrived completly wasted, chemically. He looked a real mess, sweating and constantly touching his head like he was in pain. Then he just left without saying good bye. Not really what my uncle needed. I should also mention that my cousin is in his late 30's. However we had a good catch up and a few wines, and I left to meet J form work.

I had forgotten how expensive drinking can be! At J's work I paid £4.50 for a small glass of wine. I am looking forward to the experiement to see how much money I will save. J suggested stopping for a quiet drink on the way home......

A quiet drink, in my experience that is a complete paradox, and my experience proved right. Quite a few of our friends were there and had been for many hours. Two wines and a sambuca shot (becoming a habit) later we were home.
A Quiet Night

Money spent: £14.00
Alcohol units: 9

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