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26 year old social animal seeking to understand tee totalers - should we feel sorry for them? How much money do they save? How much weight could you loose? Will your emotional health improve?...find out....

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Yes I am Drunk...but what is happiness?

Well been at the pub....a quiet night in with J and Shee (my best friend), J went to work the night shift at 11pm and Shee and I hit a bottle of wine, which on conclusion (of the bottle) we went to the pub.

I was discussing alcohol with Shee this evening and she thinks that we do drink more than average but that we always have fun so weighing up the negatives Vs the positives that alcohol wins. I was agreeing until she reminded me of the time when living in Amsterdam that I spent a months rent on a pair on boots - albeit beautiful boots (yes I was drunk at the time).

Anyway what is happiness...I think at the moment (bearing in mind I have consumed at least 10 units) that happiness is being around people who care about you and listen to you and most importantly that you can laugh with. Does alcohol aid the laughter........I'll find out next month! But at this moment I would be much happier if J was not working till 7am :-(

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